Procurement and the General Election: Understanding Tendering in the Pre-election Period

General elections are significant political events and the build-up to elections can often leave you feeling confused and unsure. With Rishi Sunak announcing a General Election for July 4th, it is important to understand how this announcement can impact your business opportunities and the tendering process.  With this article, you will be able to navigate this period of uncertainty to understand how to make the best choices for you and your business.

What is the Pre-election period? 

The pre-election period is the term used to describe the stage that begins immediately after the announcement of an election and continues until the election is held, in this instance the period between May 25th to July 4th. It is also referred to as the period of ‘heightened sensitivity’ and was previously known as ‘Purdah’.

tendering in pre-election

During this time, there is a set of established protocols about the conduct of civil servants during the build-up to the election. Restrictions are placed on the use of public resources and the activities of the Central Government, Local Government, and the NHS. These measures aim to uphold impartiality and prevent any actions that might be considered as favouring a particular political party.

 Impact of tendering in the Pre-election period

Based upon data from Tussell’s platform we can understand the impact of these restrictions on the procurement process during the pre-election period.

In short: during the pre-election period there is an increase in the delay of large-scale tenders. However, local-level tenders will not be as affected by this period and ‘day-to-day’ business is encouraged to continue as normal. 

Looking for new opportunities for tendering in the Pre-election period?

In the world of tendering, the pre-election period can cause frustration and delays in response to stagnant large-scale tenders. However, this does not mean that there are not opportunities for your business to continue to grow through tendering during this period. Understanding the processes and realities of the pre-election period is essential for tendering during this time to highlight tender opportunities that are right for you.

Remember: You’re not alone! 

Your Tender Team offers expert guidance and support to help you secure new business opportunities through successful bids. Through engagement with you, we can work together to develop your tendering process. If you’re ready to take your bidding process to the next level and maximise your chances of success, contact us today on 0116 218 2700 or CONTACT US for a free, no obligation quote.

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