Find A Tender Website Goes Live

Brexit Is Done – ‘Find A Tender’ Is Live

At 11pm on the 31st December 2020, the Find A Tender website went live. Due to Britain leaving the EU the British government has released a new website to release tenders on – Find A Tender.

What Is Find A Tender?

The Find A Tender website offers an outlet for the release of tenders that meet the previous OJEU threshold. Find A Tender will run in conjunction with Contracts Finder which adds another outlet to monitor for the release of tenders. See details on our Tender Alert Service for how we can help find tenders for you.

Will Tenders Still Be Released On TED?

It’s still early days and the ink is barely dry on the Brexit deal signed with the EU.

find a tender website, tenders after Brexit, find a tender

Originally, the plan was for the Find A Tender website to replace the need for tenders to be released on TED. Now we have a deal, this may change.

How To Find Tenders After Brexit

Tenders will be released on the Find A Tender website along with a raft of other outlets. Any tender being released needs to be advertised publicly, with some finding their way onto Find A Tender. We assist clients find suitable tenders, so Get In Touch today to find out how we can help.

You can see Find A Tender HERE.

Tenders After Brexit

Due to the impact COVID-19 had on companies in 2020, we’ve seen an increased amount of companies wanting to tender for opportunities. With COVID-19 denting the growth of most businesses, now they are on the lookout for opportunities for growth.

Tendering will get even more competitive in 2021 which is why you need to gain a competitive edge. This can be done by engaging our services with either of the below services:

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