Hampshire Accommodation Development and Support Options Model Open Framework (HADSOM)
The procurement has two streams:
1- care and support, and
2- accommodation.
Key features:
a- HADSOM will function as a register of providers who are interested in working with the contracting bodies to provide strengths based services to people with learning disabilities, autism spectrum conditions, mental health issues or other vulnerable people,
b- care and support:
– shared accommodation for people with varying levels of need, including very intensive 24 hrs support,
– in "core and cluster" type accommodation where people have their own front door with on-site support,
– at home, (domiciliary care)
– in the community,
– single person accommodation.
Administration of individual service funds and accommodation providers for related services will also form part of this procurement.
The council will use this register for each stream to communicate supply and demand issues, and to broker close working relationships between the council, support providers, housing providers and service users.
The open framework is a bespoke procurement vehicle procured under the light touch regime – Part 2, Chapter 3 Section 7 of the public contracts Regulations 2015. The open framework has been set up for the use by Hampshire County Council, Hampshire's 5 clinical commissioning groups and Southampton City Council (the "Contracting Bodies"). The open framework will remain open for enrolment for the duration of its lifespan (4 years with options for extensions up to 8 years providing a potential maximum contract term of 12 years).
Applications for enrollment can be submitted up until the initial contract deadline of 17:00 on 8.4.2022. This deadline will be extended in line with any extensions granted. Applications will be evaluated as and when they are received and confirmation of enrollment (or otherwise) is anticipated to be confirmed within 10 working days. Applicants that fail can re-apply up until the deadline date.
The contract term allows for extensions up to a maximum period of 8 years giving a potential maximum contract term of 12 years.
In order to view the enrolment documentation please go the procurement portal: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hampshire/aspx
Select the tab "Tenders" then select "Current" from the dropdown list. Search for the reference number AS10870 using the search box on the left hand side of the page and press enter.
The enrolment documents can be accessed by selecting "View Details" at the bottom of the relevant advert.
When the new page opens click the "Express Interest" button at the bottom of the page. If you are not logged in then you will have to login in or register your company at this point. You will receive confirmation that you have expressed an interest.
Once in the tender management page, select the second tab (Enrollment), scroll down the page where you will find useful information under "Tender Documents Received – Main". Select "View" to view or "Download" to download the documents.
Organisation Name
Contract Date
9th Apr 2022 / 9th Apr 2030