Tender Alert Service

Our Tender Alert Service Makes Finding Tenders Easy

In order to stand a chance to win a tender, you need to respond to them in a competitive, professional and comprehensive way. We’ve got that covered via our FULL TENDER WRITE SERVICE, but we need to find the tenders first. Our Tender Alert Service will do just that.

How Does Our Tender Alert Service Work For You?

Our Tender Alert Service isn’t a one-size fits all solution, we create searches bespoke to your business. We don’t send a wide range of tenders, hoping one will fit. This is common with a lot of tender search services. Trouble is, they rely on CPV codes and often send through unrelated notices. This then leads to you having to download the documents and see for yourself if it’s something you can bid for. Not with us. We trawl portals on your behalf, examining notices to see if they’d be of interest to you based on your offering.

What Does Our Tender Alert Service Involve?

Our search isn’t automated, it’s totally personalised for you. We will:

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TALK – We will discuss what specialism you wish to search and your geographical coverage. We will note your tender preferences and areas of interest.

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SEARCH – Based on your requirements, we will start scanning for tenders you would be interested in.

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ALERT– We will send through relevant tenders to your inbox for you to decide if you want to bid.

To Conclude

So, we’ve found you tender that you wish to participate in. You’ve checked the requirements for the service/product that is needed and you are eligible to bid. Now the real work begins. We offer the below services;

Get A Tender Writing Quote

To conclude, we will quote on any live tender, simply complete the details on our ‘Get a Quote’ tab on the right of your screen now or CONTACT US to discuss your requirements.

£532m Worth Of Tenders Won For Clients In The East Midlands Alone

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